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The Most Watched Content Is On Social Media

We create video content that feels relatable and enjoyable to watch

Are you ready to share
your stories?

Universities are bursting with incredible stories just waiting to be shared. We're here to give you the tools to bring those stories to life and share the unique vibe of faith-inspired education in a way that clicks with teens. We're all about that social media style – it's genuine, it connects, and it's how you build real trust and relationships with high schoolers.

Teens are glued to their screens, vibing with their go-to content creators, and they'll show up for them, whether it's an event or the latest merch drop. But when it comes to choosing a college, they're expected to make this massive decision and investment without content that speaks their language. A lot of college vids are made with parents in mind, but we think it's time to switch it up and create something that truly resonates with the students themselves. We make content that's smart and connects.

Their Checklist

Teens are on the lookout for that perfect college vibe, and they've got a bunch of questions about what's ahead.
Like, will I find my crew here? Can I crush it in my classes? What if I stumble—will someone help me? And the big one: Do I have the guts to carve out my own journey?

Our favorite college videos answer these questions. Do yours?

What We Do for Social Media 


We discover and develop story and content ideas that work with your brand.


We plan video shoots and/or help your team capture content.


We work on the postproduction to develop your social media voice.


You review videos for revisions. We update according to your feedback.


Content drops, we tune into what teens are curious about, and then it's back to square one.


Documentary + Branded Content

Digital Content

Aya Sevilla

Fundados En Cristo
I love her attention to detail and sensitivity to the content — ex. things or people that need to be obscured for the sake of privacy or security. She also helped me well with being not too conscious being in front of the camera.

View project.

Master Guide on Video Content Strategy

In this free download guide, you can learn how to develop your video content strategy, learn how to speak confidently in front of the camera, and learn new trends and how to repurpose content for social media.

Click here to download

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